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Crack The “Hunger Code” And Get Lean Fast

My job is to torch off all your unwanted fat with a powerful and customized meal plan. As a professional who has been doing this for 15 years, it’s pretty easy for me. And I’ll make it easy for you! Losing 7lbs in your 1st week is not an unusual result for my clients. I specialize in creating plans that result in fast fat loss without all the hunger you usually experience when dieting.


“I’ve just completed the first 2 weeks of my weight loss meal plan. Thanks to Mark, I’ve already dropped from 225lbs to 215lbs. Lines and muscles are showing up that I’ve never seen before.”

Ryan Cummings

News Anchor for N.B.C.

“I recently signed up for Mark’s Weight Loss Coaching and am so glad I did. My meal plan is so easy to follow, including lots of tasty recipes. I can’t believe how much food I can eat! I’m already down half a stone (7lbs) after my first week. This man really knows what he’s talking about.”

Paula Minshall

Stoke-on-Trent, England

“I’ve lost inches and never looked this good in my entire life! I can throw on a bikini any time of the year and feel good about it. Thanks Mark for what you’re doing!”

Stephanie Robinson got ripped after pregnancy! This is her Instagram account.

You’re In The Hands
Of An Expert


Occhio Appello

Occhio Appello Fashion Magazine

Iron Man

Iron Man Bodybuilding Magazine featured my “Fat-Blasting Diet” (see title at the top of magazine)

Perfect Body

Perfect Body Magazine featured my bodybuilding T.H.T. workout

Sunday Life

Sunday Life (and many other newspapers)

“Hey  😃 I’m a qualified coach on the register of exercise professionals (R.E.P.S. UK) with 15yrs of experience in getting people into the best shape of their lives – and it wasn’t as hard as they thought.


I’d love to coach you, too! Let me create a personalized fat-torching diet for you and get you lean quickly and without much hunger. I end all the confusion and give you the best and most effective strategy possible.”

Mark McManus
Mark McManus
Mark McManus

How Can It Be So Easy?

3 x Ways…


It’s time to start the new you!

chicken breast

The Power of High-Protein Foods

Eat More. Feel Full. Tone Muscle.

The Power of High-Volume Foods

Eating foods that are big in volume but low in calories

The Power of High-Fibre Foods

Feel Full. No Hunger. Rapid Fat Loss.




The main reason people quit a diet is because they feel hungry. That won’t happen on my plan.

Of the 3 macronutrients we eat – Carbs, Proteins and Fats – the most satiating (filling) is protein. That means you feel fuller for longer for the same amount of Calories.

Think about it. Imagine 100 Cals from fat (a tablespoon of butter or oil) or 100 Cals from carbs (less than a single slice of bread). Filling? Not at all!

Now take a 100 Cals from a protein source like 100g of chicken breast or turkey breast, or 8 x egg whites. Filling? You bet! Very filling indeed. You can lose fat easier and with less hunger when more of your Calories from protein (though you’ll still have fat and carbs on my plans).

More Calories Burned

Did you know that just eating protein burns Calories? Eating any food will burn Calories (it’s called the ‘Thermic Effect‘).

But carbs and fats only burn about 1-2% of Calories consumed. So for every 100 Calories consumed, it’ll have a net effect of 98-99 Calories.

But protein is different. A massive 20-30% of protein calories are burned while the body is digesting and metabolizing the protein. This means that 100 calories of protein will only end up as 70 usable calories. Cool!

Eating more food for less Calories makes losing weight a breeze.

Tone Lean Muscle

You don’t just want to “lose weight”. Specifically, you want to lose fat…and fat alone. If you lose a mixture of fat and muscle (as most people do on a diet) you may end up smaller, but a smaller version of the same shape. If you were pear-shaped before, you’ll just be a smaller pear.

You want to lose fat but also change your shape – less fat, more muscle.

I put my weight loss clients in a calorie deficit, but with all the protein you need to fuel your muscles, resulting in hard and toned muscle mass.

You look in amazing in the weeks to come!

Eat More Food, But Fewer Calories


You can actually eat more food but for less calories. Does that sound incorrect? Fortunately for us, it’s true! The key is Food Volume.

The volume of food refers to the sheer amount of food on your plate.

The Calories refers to the amount of energy in the food…Volume and Energy are NOT the same thing! That’s exciting! Read on…

The Satiety Index – A Game Changer!


Some foods provide a lot of volume, but little calories.

Some foods provide little volume but a lot of calories – think chocolate, nuts, ice cream and so on.

Thanks to Research at the University of Sydney, we now have the SATIETY INDEX – a ranking of foods by how full they make you feel for the same amount of Calories.

I also use this as a method to fill you up while getting you lean.

Space here doesn’t permit me to list the entire index.

But foods like eggs, oatmeal, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, fish and apples are some of the most filling foods in the world! But I can cater the meal plan to your tastes.

When you couple the Satiety Index (high volume, filling foods) with the filling and calorie-burning effects of high-protein, you’re well on your way to getting lean in the easiest way possible!

I’ve done it for hundreds of others – and I can do it for you, too!


(Naomi can be found on Instagram @strong21training)

click play above ☝️

What you’re seeing here is just 2 weeks difference on my custom shredding meal plan. Naomi said to me,


“I bought your ‘Custom Weight Loss Meal Plan’ and it’s working. It’s only a couple of weeks and I’m massively motivated to carry on and will send more updates!”

click play above ☝️


James Marks in Tavistock, England

“The best money I’ve ever spent. For anyone not sure about using Mark’s techniques, take the plunge – I can promise you’ll only wish you’d done it sooner. Mark, I’ll only be using your stuff from now on.”


Mark Worthington in the UK

“I’d like to thank you for all your help and advice as my body transformation has just ​landed me a modeling contract!”


Rick & Amanda Guarno

“I wanted to drop a quick thank you for your meal plan for Amanda and I. We’re 2 weeks in and can already see the difference.”


How Does It Work?

All you have to do is select a buy option (currency) below. If your currency isn’t listed, just pick one – it will convert to your currency later when you input your payment details. After payment, you will be automatically forwarded to a page where you will fill in some details that I require to complete your personalized plan.

Then I’ll be in touch via email with your full plan within 3-5 working days. It includes everything you need! Your full meal plan, diet explanation, recipes, and shopping lists. Absolutely everything you need for a relatively small, one-off payment. No-one will do so much for you for so little. I want you to succeed at this once and for all! That’s why I don’t charge as much as other online coaches.

Please note that I cannot create plans for vegetarians, vegans, gluten-free, or any other unusual or special dietary requirements. If you eat normal food from all food groups, then this is for you!

One-Time Payment

I don’t charge recurring fees or subscriptions. It’s a simple one-time fee for absolutely everything 🙂

Meal Planning

Full plan of eating to get you lean based on your personal stats. Enjoyable, filling and easy to stick to.

Extra Recipes

Vary your diet to keep it fun and interesting with 50+ recipe ideas. All high-protein, filling and delicious.

Shopping List

I’ll give you checklists of all the foods you need to stay on the plan and be successful!

($77 VALUE – FREE!)



Plus weekly shopping lists. Everything you need to succeed!

$77 VALUE – Absolutely free!



Payment is through Paypal or by debit/credit card. And you can pay in Pounds, Dollars, or Euro. If you want to pay in a different currency, select any currency below and it will convert upon payment. Scroll down…

British Pounds



Calorie and Macro Calculation.


Full Meal Plan Design.


Dozens of Extra Recipe Ideas.


Shopping Lists.


Full Diet Explanation PDF File.

US Dollars



Calorie and Macro Calculation.


Full Meal Plan Design.


Dozens of Extra Recipe Ideas.


Shopping Lists.


Full Diet Explanation PDF File.




Calorie and Macro Calculation.


Full Meal Plan Design.


Dozens of Extra Recipe Ideas.


Shopping Lists.


Full Diet Explanation PDF File.

After payment, wait until Paypal forwards you to my 'Thank You' page

that's where I need you to fill in some details

Works With Any Workout Plan

Need a workout?

My weight loss meal plans are so effective that you will lose weight fast and without much hunger – even if you don’t workout.

However, results will be a little faster, and you can sculpt and tone lean muscle, if you train at the same time.

If you are already training or attending a class, feel free to continue doing what you’re doing.

But if you need me to recommend a plan for you based on your goals, I’ll find the best workout for you and tell you what to do 🙂

Got questions?
Get in touch with me below

3 + 12 =

“I experienced no hunger. By far, Mark McManus’ program is the best I’ve come across”

At 49, Rechord was 215lbs at 18% body fat. He lost 19lbs of pure fat in his first 3 weeks on my plan! Now he’s 27lbs down and sitting at a lean 12% body fat with no muscle loss.

Rechord Boyd got shredded at 49yrs of age without experiencing hunger. This is his Instagram account.

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